International Edition

Pays: Turquie

accord UE-Azerbaïdjan

EU-Azerbaijan: cross-border energy cooperation

The 10th Ministerial Meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council and the 2nd Green Energy Advisory Council in Baku on March 1, 2024 strengthen international energy cooperation. With the participation of 23 governments and 52 entities, this event highlights the EU-Azerbaijan energy partnership. Discussions focused on energy transition, reducing emissions and strengthening energy supplies.

erdogan barzaoui 2023

The complexities of tensions Turkey Iraq: Kurdistan’s oil in question

Iraqi Kurdistan, an autonomous region in northern Iraq, has acquired a leading position on the energy scene thanks to its vast oil reserves. Officially recognized by the 2005 Iraqi constitution, this region, which shares borders with Iran, Turkey and Syria, plays a central role in the Kurdistan region, with Erbil as its capital.