International Edition

Day: January 1, 1970

Oil: The ten powers with the largest reserves

Oil, the world’s major source of energy, generates geopolitical tensions. Venezuela has the largest reserves, followed by Saudi Arabia, but renewable energies are threatening this dominance. Middle Eastern countries play a key role in this industry.

Woodhouse mine: controversy surrounding British coal

West Cumbria Mining has stirred up controversy with its decision to build the UK’s first new deep coal mine in over 30 years. The mine will generate significant employment and revenue, but is facing opposition from MPs and environmental groups who believe it runs counter to the UK’s climate objectives.

Natural gas: The top ten countries with the largest reserves

Natural gas plays an essential role in the global energy transition, thanks to its lower cost and lower pollution than oil. Russia has the largest reserves, followed by Iran and Qatar, while the USA is increasing its share thanks to shale gas exploitation, with Venezuela, Nigeria and China having smaller reserves.