The UK government has given the green light for Westinghouse’s AP300 to enter the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) process.
This process, crucial for any new reactor wishing to be deployed in the UK, aims to ensure compliance with safety, security and environmental protection standards, in liaison with national regulators.
The AP300, a small modular reactor (SMR), is based on the technological foundations of the AP1000 model, already in use in several countries. The decision to launch this assessment comes at a time when the UK is seeking to increase its nuclear capacity to secure its long-term energy supply.
The government’s approval marks a strategic milestone for Westinghouse, paving the way for the eventual installation of this type of reactor in the UK.
Context and implications for the sector
The evaluation of the AP300 reactor is part of a wider strategy to strengthen the UK’s nuclear capabilities.
The country plans to reach 24 GW of nuclear capacity by 2050, integrating advanced technologies capable of meeting this ambition.
Le processus de GDA, dirigé par l’Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) et l’Environment Agency, est une procédure rigoureuse qui pourrait prendre plusieurs années.
Il permettra de déterminer si l’AP300 répond aux exigences strictes imposées par le cadre réglementaire britannique.
L’évaluation portera sur les aspects techniques, sécuritaires et environnementaux, avec une attention particulière aux leçons tirées de la mise en service de l’AP1000.
A project in line with the UK’s energy strategy
Support for the AP300 is part of the UK’s drive to diversify its energy sources while increasing the share of nuclear power in its energy mix.
This decision reflects a strategy aimed at reducing dependence on fossil fuels and securing a stable, predictable energy supply.
The development of SMRs, such as the AP300, is seen as an effective way of achieving these objectives, while adapting to the specific needs of the country’s different regions.
The approval of the AP300 also marks a milestone in the development of nuclear infrastructure in the UK.
The British authorities continue to support innovation in this field, while maintaining rigorous safety standards.
The future siting of these reactors could have a significant impact on the local economy, particularly in terms of job creation and the development of technical skills.