Energy Policy

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In the United States, energy prices remain high, as they do every January...
In the United States, energy prices remain high, as they do every January...
China unveils ambitious plan to pump 120 MW of hydroelectric storage by 2030 to boost use of renewable energy.|China unveils ambitious plan to pump 120 MW of hydroelectric storage by 2030 to boost use of renewable energy.
China unveils ambitious plan to pump 120 MW of hydroelectric storage by 2030 to boost use of renewable energy.|China unveils ambitious plan to pump 120 MW of hydroelectric storage by 2030 to boost use of renewable energy.
Australia's coalition government proposes a subsidy for coal and natural gas-fired power generation.| Australia's coalition government proposes a subsidy for coal and natural gas-fired power generation.
Australia's coalition government proposes a subsidy for coal and natural gas-fired power generation.| Australia's coalition government proposes a subsidy for coal and natural gas-fired power generation.
The Nordic electricity markets, leaders in renewable energies (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden), are ahead of the game for "net zero". Wind and solar will overtake hydroelectricity by 2038, despite growing demand.
The Nordic electricity markets, leaders in renewable energies (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden), are ahead of the game for "net zero". Wind and solar will overtake hydroelectricity by 2038, despite growing demand.
Afghanistan is said to abound in untapped minerals. Estimated at $3 trillion by former minister Wahidullah Shahrani. Estimated at $3 trillion by former minister Wahidullah Shahrani.
Afghanistan is said to abound in untapped minerals. Estimated at $3 trillion by former minister Wahidullah Shahrani. Estimated at $3 trillion by former minister Wahidullah Shahrani.
Apex-Brasil organizes a conference to promote Brazilian oil and gas production at the OTC in Houston.|Apex-Brasil organizes a conference to promote Brazilian oil and gas production at the OTC in Houston.
Apex-Brasil organizes a conference to promote Brazilian oil and gas production at the OTC in Houston.|Apex-Brasil organizes a conference to promote Brazilian oil and gas production at the OTC in Houston.
Germany is called upon to relaunch its climate protection plan. The Greens are proposing the creation of a new ministry. |Germany is to relaunch its climate protection plan. The Greens are proposing the creation of a new ministry.
Germany is called upon to relaunch its climate protection plan. The Greens are proposing the creation of a new ministry. |Germany is to relaunch its climate protection plan. The Greens are proposing the creation of a new ministry.
Germany goes to the polls in September against a backdrop of opposition between conservatives and Greens, particularly on energy issues.|Germany goes to the polls in September against a backdrop of opposition between conservatives and Greens, particularly on energy issues.
Germany goes to the polls in September against a backdrop of opposition between conservatives and Greens, particularly on energy issues.|Germany goes to the polls in September against a backdrop of opposition between conservatives and Greens, particularly on energy issues.
In Australia, the Victorian government announces an investment of $7.2 million to subsidize renewable hydrogen.|In Australia, the Victorian government announces an investment of $7.2 million to subsidize renewable hydrogen.
In Australia, the Victorian government announces an investment of $7.2 million to subsidize renewable hydrogen.|In Australia, the Victorian government announces an investment of $7.2 million to subsidize renewable hydrogen.
The Fukushima nuclear power plant is back in the spotlight on March 11, 2021. At 11:46 a.m., Japan stopped in tribute to the victims.
The Fukushima nuclear power plant is back in the spotlight on March 11, 2021. At 11:46 a.m., Japan stopped in tribute to the victims.
Austria receives approval from the European Commission to create a network reserve for its electricity market.|Austria receives approval from the European Commission to create a network reserve for its electricity market.
Austria receives approval from the European Commission to create a network reserve for its electricity market.|Austria receives approval from the European Commission to create a network reserve for its electricity market.

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