Estonia is preparing for power outages. Russia could disconnect the Baltic States from the common electricity grid. To address this, the EU intends to connect the Baltic States to the ENTSO-E network.
Estonia is preparing for power outages. Russia could disconnect the Baltic States from the common electricity grid. To address this, the EU intends to connect the Baltic States to the ENTSO-E network.
The energy crisis continues. France Televisions will broadcast an electricity weather forecast to raise awareness among the French about what to do to avoid blackouts.
The energy crisis continues. France Televisions will broadcast an electricity weather forecast to raise awareness among the French about what to do to avoid blackouts.
Macron, during the inauguration of the offshore wind farm in Saint-Nazaire, sets the energy course for France. He intends to develop renewable energies and nuclear power.
Macron, during the inauguration of the offshore wind farm in Saint-Nazaire, sets the energy course for France. He intends to develop renewable energies and nuclear power.
The energy crisis continues and the measures to deal with it are multiplying. European governments allocated nearly 500 billion euros. The EU proposes a coordinated response to inequality.
The energy crisis continues and the measures to deal with it are multiplying. European governments allocated nearly 500 billion euros. The EU proposes a coordinated response to inequality.
With the surge in energy prices, renewable energies have become a golden goose for the French government, which will have access to an unprecedented financial windfall to finance the extension in 2023
With the surge in energy prices, renewable energies have become a golden goose for the French government, which will have access to an unprecedented financial windfall to finance the extension in 2023
Fearing a shortage, Germany is banking on LNG. The country then approved the project of 3 German importers to coordinate the supply of 2 floating LNG terminals.
Fearing a shortage, Germany is banking on LNG. The country then approved the project of 3 German importers to coordinate the supply of 2 floating LNG terminals.