International Edition

Author: Julien VESSIERES

nucléaire canadien

Carbon Neutral Canada: Heavy Industry and SMR

Small modular reactors (SMRs) could play a key role in making Canada’s heavy industry carbon neutral, according to a study by the Canadian Nuclear Association. SMRs offer ecological and economic benefits, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 18% by 2050 and cutting the cost of achieving carbon neutrality by 5%.

lacq hydrogen

GazelEnergie develops Franco-Spanish Hydrogen

The Franco-Spanish Lacq Hydrogen project, involving GazelEnergie, DH2 Energy, Enagás and Teréga, promotes renewable hydrogen for Europe’s energy transition, with significant economic and environmental benefits.

Red Sea Drilling Company: a National Geothermal Company in Djibouti

The Red Sea Drilling Company is developing geothermal energy in Djibouti to ensure energy independence with 1000 MW of 100% RE electricity by 2030, while training local engineers and attracting investment. It also plans to boost water supplies and expand beyond Djibouti’s borders.