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Nord Stream gas pipelines sabotaged by a “pro-Ukrainian group”?

According to information consulted by American intelligence, a “pro-Ukrainian group” was behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea last year. This act has added to the geopolitical tension around these pipelines which have been at the heart of the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.

The Kremlin does not recognize the cap on its oil prices

Russia is facing price restrictions on its oil exports imposed by Western countries since the invasion of Ukraine. However, the Kremlin does not recognize this price limitation and refuses to comply with the demands of Western countries.

RatedPower Unveils 2023 Renewable Industry Trends

The year 2022 has seen many disruptions in supply chains. Despite this, the renewable energy sector continues to grow, driven by the energy transition and the search for alternative energy sources to fossil fuels.

Black hydrogen: Japan invests 1.5 billion euros

Japan is investing heavily in a controversial coal-fired hydrogen project in Australia. But producing hydrogen from coal is very polluting and the lack of carbon capture and storage technology could increase CO2 emissions.

United States: a growing demand for oil production

U.S. Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs, Energy and the Environment Jose Fernandez has called for increased oil production, including from Opec, to meet rising demand as global economies recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

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