December 1, 2022

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The Environmental Authority recommends an in-depth assessment of the environmental impacts of the private electricity interconnection project between France and Great Britain.
The Environmental Authority recommends an in-depth assessment of the environmental impacts of the private electricity interconnection project between France and Great Britain.
The Canadian federal government and its partners are boosting the two-billion-tree planting program, strengthening urban canopies and supporting employment.
The Canadian federal government and its partners are boosting the two-billion-tree planting program, strengthening urban canopies and supporting employment.
A recent study reveals a worrying future for France's forests, which are essential for CO2 storage, against a backdrop of accelerating climate change.
A recent study reveals a worrying future for France's forests, which are essential for CO2 storage, against a backdrop of accelerating climate change.
Canada is stepping up its efforts against the forest fires threatening Fort McMurray, with a financial aid plan announced by federal and provincial authorities.
Canada is stepping up its efforts against the forest fires threatening Fort McMurray, with a financial aid plan announced by federal and provincial authorities.
In North Carolina, local residents are concerned about the environmental and social impacts of lithium mining by Piedmont Lithium.
In North Carolina, local residents are concerned about the environmental and social impacts of lithium mining by Piedmont Lithium.
A five-year delay in the energy transition could cost up to $48 trillion and raise global temperatures by 3°C.
A five-year delay in the energy transition could cost up to $48 trillion and raise global temperatures by 3°C.
According to the NGO Reclaim Finance, only 17.3% of the financing provided by the four major French banks to the European oil majors between 2020 and 2023 was allocated to "low-carbon" projects.
According to the NGO Reclaim Finance, only 17.3% of the financing provided by the four major French banks to the European oil majors between 2020 and 2023 was allocated to "low-carbon" projects.
Brazil is facing an unprecedented crisis, with massive flooding devastating the Rio Grande do Sul and prompting urgent calls for international aid.
Brazil is facing an unprecedented crisis, with massive flooding devastating the Rio Grande do Sul and prompting urgent calls for international aid.
Goldman Prize winner Alok Shukla continues his fight to protect India's Hasdeo Aranya forest, preventing the exploitation of its resources by large mining conglomerates.
Goldman Prize winner Alok Shukla continues his fight to protect India's Hasdeo Aranya forest, preventing the exploitation of its resources by large mining conglomerates.
In Ottawa, negotiations on the world's first treaty against plastic pollution are seeking a consensus, despite sharp divisions.
In Ottawa, negotiations on the world's first treaty against plastic pollution are seeking a consensus, despite sharp divisions.
Colombia recently halted its electricity exports to Ecuador, a decision taken in response to a persistent drought that threatens the stability of its hydroelectric power grid.
Colombia recently halted its electricity exports to Ecuador, a decision taken in response to a persistent drought that threatens the stability of its hydroelectric power grid.
In Paris, engineering company Kayrros harnesses satellites and AI to detect methane leaks, helping to fight global warming more effectively.
In Paris, engineering company Kayrros harnesses satellites and AI to detect methane leaks, helping to fight global warming more effectively.
In France, a national observatory launched by a recent decree will assess the impact of photovoltaic and wind power installations on biodiversity.
In France, a national observatory launched by a recent decree will assess the impact of photovoltaic and wind power installations on biodiversity.
Valgo has been fined 60,000 euros for illegally burying waste on the site of the former Petroplus refinery in Petit-Couronne, Seine-Maritime.
Valgo has been fined 60,000 euros for illegally burying waste on the site of the former Petroplus refinery in Petit-Couronne, Seine-Maritime.
Shell is appealing a ruling requiring it to cut its CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030.
Shell is appealing a ruling requiring it to cut its CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030.
On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, TotalEnergies suffers a legal setback against Greenpeace. The NGO, accused by TotalEnergies of disseminating misleading information about its CO2 emissions, has had its legal action quashed by the courts.
On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, TotalEnergies suffers a legal setback against Greenpeace. The NGO, accused by TotalEnergies of disseminating misleading information about its CO2 emissions, has had its legal action quashed by the courts.
Scientists reveal that reforestation can increase global warming in certain areas.
Scientists reveal that reforestation can increase global warming in certain areas.
In 2023, France recorded a historic 4.8% drop in its greenhouse gas emissions, surpassing the results of previous years.
In 2023, France recorded a historic 4.8% drop in its greenhouse gas emissions, surpassing the results of previous years.
Cambridge University has decided to temporarily suspend the acceptance of donations from the oil and gas sector, in response to a recent report on the implications for its reputation.
Cambridge University has decided to temporarily suspend the acceptance of donations from the oil and gas sector, in response to a recent report on the implications for its reputation.
Germany is juggling climate successes with economic challenges and industrial constraints.
Germany is juggling climate successes with economic challenges and industrial constraints.
In French Guiana, indigenous peoples have lodged a complaint with the UN against the construction of a photovoltaic power plant, criticizing its environmental impact.
In French Guiana, indigenous peoples have lodged a complaint with the UN against the construction of a photovoltaic power plant, criticizing its environmental impact.
Methane emissions remain a major challenge for climate alignment. A new analysis by the IEA reveals the key prospects for reducing methane emissions.
Methane emissions remain a major challenge for climate alignment. A new analysis by the IEA reveals the key prospects for reducing methane emissions.
A report by London-based think-tank Ember reveals a critical underestimation of methane emissions from the Indonesian coal industry.
A report by London-based think-tank Ember reveals a critical underestimation of methane emissions from the Indonesian coal industry.
A recent analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) highlights the persistent challenges posed by methane emissions from the fossil fuel industry, despite the solutions available. This environmental issue calls for immediate, coordinated action.
A recent analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) highlights the persistent challenges posed by methane emissions from the fossil fuel industry, despite the solutions available. This environmental issue calls for immediate, coordinated action.
Emergency response to the discovery of an oil slick off Huntington Beach, with an ongoing investigation into its origin.
Emergency response to the discovery of an oil slick off Huntington Beach, with an ongoing investigation into its origin.
France, faced with a legal penalty of 1.1 billion euros for climate inaction, finds itself at the heart of a crucial debate on its environmental responsibility. This initiative, initiated by NGOs under the banner "l'Affaire du siècle", highlights the gap between climate commitments and concrete government action.
France, faced with a legal penalty of 1.1 billion euros for climate inaction, finds itself at the heart of a crucial debate on its environmental responsibility. This initiative, initiated by NGOs under the banner "l'Affaire du siècle", highlights the gap between climate commitments and concrete government action.

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