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YILDIRIM Energy announces its innovative solar power project in Drenas, Kosovo, marking a significant step forward for the region.
YILDIRIM Energy announces its innovative solar power project in Drenas, Kosovo, marking a significant step forward for the region.
Photon Energy has signed a €15 million loan agreement with the EBRD to finance the construction of six solar farms in Romania, strengthening its integrated business model.
Photon Energy has signed a €15 million loan agreement with the EBRD to finance the construction of six solar farms in Romania, strengthening its integrated business model.
Sunrock equips Mercedes-Benz sites in Germany with photovoltaic systems for sustainable production.
Sunrock equips Mercedes-Benz sites in Germany with photovoltaic systems for sustainable production.
ONDE begins construction of the Lewałd Wielki photovoltaic park, marking the largest project in its portfolio.
ONDE begins construction of the Lewałd Wielki photovoltaic park, marking the largest project in its portfolio.
Silicon Ranch adopts regenerative land management practices for its solar projects, reinforcing sustainability and ecological efficiency.
Silicon Ranch adopts regenerative land management practices for its solar projects, reinforcing sustainability and ecological efficiency.
Elgin Energy obtains approval for the Elaine Solar Farm project in Victoria, promising to significantly increase the region's renewable energy production capacity.
Elgin Energy obtains approval for the Elaine Solar Farm project in Victoria, promising to significantly increase the region's renewable energy production capacity.
Astronergy unveils its ESG 2023 report, illustrating notable advances in sustainable development and social responsibility, aligned with global standards.
Astronergy unveils its ESG 2023 report, illustrating notable advances in sustainable development and social responsibility, aligned with global standards.
The 120 MWp solar photovoltaic project in Kairouan has now been launched. Financed by the IFC and the ADB, this project represents an important milestone for the country's energy future.
The 120 MWp solar photovoltaic project in Kairouan has now been launched. Financed by the IFC and the ADB, this project represents an important milestone for the country's energy future.
NextEnergy Capital announces the acquisition of its first solar portfolio in Poland, marking a key step in its expansion strategy in Eastern Europe.
NextEnergy Capital announces the acquisition of its first solar portfolio in Poland, marking a key step in its expansion strategy in Eastern Europe.
Scientex Berhad, in partnership with Solarvest Holdings Berhad, is launching a project to deploy solar photovoltaic systems at its facilities in Malaysia, with the aim of significantly reducing its carbon footprint.
Scientex Berhad, in partnership with Solarvest Holdings Berhad, is launching a project to deploy solar photovoltaic systems at its facilities in Malaysia, with the aim of significantly reducing its carbon footprint.

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