Energy Policy

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The Minister for the Economy calls on TotalEnergies to extend the fuel price cap, while discussions are underway to maintain the measure beyond 2023. Despite fuel prices approaching two euros a liter, the government is ruling out further across-the-board rebates, citing ecological, budgetary and diplomatic considerations.
The Minister for the Economy calls on TotalEnergies to extend the fuel price cap, while discussions are underway to maintain the measure beyond 2023. Despite fuel prices approaching two euros a liter, the government is ruling out further across-the-board rebates, citing ecological, budgetary and diplomatic considerations.
The Portuguese Environmental Protection Agency (APA) has approved a second lithium mining project in Portugal, underlining its importance for the energy transition. However, these projects face local and ecological challenges.
The Portuguese Environmental Protection Agency (APA) has approved a second lithium mining project in Portugal, underlining its importance for the energy transition. However, these projects face local and ecological challenges.
European Commission representative Martin Selmayr's reference to blood money linked to Russian gas imports into Austria created diplomatic tension. This highlights energy security and foreign policy issues in the EU, underlining the need to reduce dependence on Russian gas in times of crisis.
European Commission representative Martin Selmayr's reference to blood money linked to Russian gas imports into Austria created diplomatic tension. This highlights energy security and foreign policy issues in the EU, underlining the need to reduce dependence on Russian gas in times of crisis.
France is phasing out the tax exemption on non-road diesel fuel (GNR) for farmers and public works companies, encouraging the transition to a green tax system. However, this measure does not apply to road hauliers, to preserve their competitiveness.
France is phasing out the tax exemption on non-road diesel fuel (GNR) for farmers and public works companies, encouraging the transition to a green tax system. However, this measure does not apply to road hauliers, to preserve their competitiveness.
The presentation of the roadmap for ecological planning, which has been postponed several times, is scheduled for the next two weeks, according to government spokesman Olivier Véran. Details of the exact date and target audience for this presentation are still to be worked out.
The presentation of the roadmap for ecological planning, which has been postponed several times, is scheduled for the next two weeks, according to government spokesman Olivier Véran. Details of the exact date and target audience for this presentation are still to be worked out.
The UK's energy lobby is calling for massive funding for carbon neutrality by 2050, highlighting the urgent need to invest in renewables to maintain the country's competitiveness in the global energy transition.
The UK's energy lobby is calling for massive funding for carbon neutrality by 2050, highlighting the urgent need to invest in renewables to maintain the country's competitiveness in the global energy transition.
France is seeking to set an oil exit date as part of the climate negotiations in the run-up to COP28 in Dubai, in response to President Macron's statements. Discussions focus on the early elimination of fossil fuels not captured by the EU, and the need for dialogue with emitting and producing countries.
France is seeking to set an oil exit date as part of the climate negotiations in the run-up to COP28 in Dubai, in response to President Macron's statements. Discussions focus on the early elimination of fossil fuels not captured by the EU, and the need for dialogue with emitting and producing countries.
Two former executives of a Swedish oil company, Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter, are on trial in Stockholm for complicity in war crimes in Sudan, in connection with securing their oil operations. The trial, the longest in Swedish history, began after more than ten years of investigation and will continue until February 2026.
Two former executives of a Swedish oil company, Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter, are on trial in Stockholm for complicity in war crimes in Sudan, in connection with securing their oil operations. The trial, the longest in Swedish history, began after more than ten years of investigation and will continue until February 2026.
The UK is considering withdrawing from the Energy Charter Treaty due to disagreements over modernization, leading to the withdrawal of several EU member states, while Europe faces costly litigation over fossil fuel investments.
The UK is considering withdrawing from the Energy Charter Treaty due to disagreements over modernization, leading to the withdrawal of several EU member states, while Europe faces costly litigation over fossil fuel investments.
The share of electricity generated from fossil fuels reached a historic low of 33% in the EU in the first half of the year, with a significant drop in production from coal and gas. Experts are calling for a massive expansion of renewable energies to compensate for the decline in fossil-fired power generation.
The share of electricity generated from fossil fuels reached a historic low of 33% in the EU in the first half of the year, with a significant drop in production from coal and gas. Experts are calling for a massive expansion of renewable energies to compensate for the decline in fossil-fired power generation.
The French government is stepping up its program to train senior civil servants in the ecological transition, aiming to train 3,000 senior civil servants every month from September onwards.
The French government is stepping up its program to train senior civil servants in the ecological transition, aiming to train 3,000 senior civil servants every month from September onwards.
A major power failure in Kenya is causing disagreement over cause and responsibility, disrupting economic activity and raising concerns for a forthcoming international climate event.
A major power failure in Kenya is causing disagreement over cause and responsibility, disrupting economic activity and raising concerns for a forthcoming international climate event.
To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the head of RTE stresses that nuclear power alone will not suffice, and calls for urgent action in favor of renewable energies. He emphasizes the importance of reducing dependence on fossil fuels and gradually electrifying the sector.
To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the head of RTE stresses that nuclear power alone will not suffice, and calls for urgent action in favor of renewable energies. He emphasizes the importance of reducing dependence on fossil fuels and gradually electrifying the sector.
Maui County is suing Hawaiian Electric for failing to disconnect power before the deadly fires despite weather warnings.
Maui County is suing Hawaiian Electric for failing to disconnect power before the deadly fires despite weather warnings.
UK energy regulator Ofgem lowers the energy price cap, saving households an average of £151 a year. However, the end of government aid could mean higher bills for a third of households, particularly the most energy-efficient, while Greenpeace criticizes the government's decisions.
UK energy regulator Ofgem lowers the energy price cap, saving households an average of £151 a year. However, the end of government aid could mean higher bills for a third of households, particularly the most energy-efficient, while Greenpeace criticizes the government's decisions.
Energy markets on the move: European gas plummets following Australian agreement to end strike threat. Oil remains undecided despite economic concerns and OPEC+ production cuts.
Energy markets on the move: European gas plummets following Australian agreement to end strike threat. Oil remains undecided despite economic concerns and OPEC+ production cuts.
COP28 in the United Arab Emirates will feature a program focusing on topics such as health, recovery, peace, trade and multi-level action. The conference, to be held at Expo City Dubai from November 30 to December 12, 2023, aims to accelerate the energy transition, reform climate finance and bring nature and livelihoods to the fore in climate action.
COP28 in the United Arab Emirates will feature a program focusing on topics such as health, recovery, peace, trade and multi-level action. The conference, to be held at Expo City Dubai from November 30 to December 12, 2023, aims to accelerate the energy transition, reform climate finance and bring nature and livelihoods to the fore in climate action.
The suspension of approvals for renewable energy projects in Alberta has halted the plans of four major international companies, creating political tension and investment uncertainty in the province. This suspension jeopardizes Alberta's position as a leader in renewable energies in Canada.
The suspension of approvals for renewable energy projects in Alberta has halted the plans of four major international companies, creating political tension and investment uncertainty in the province. This suspension jeopardizes Alberta's position as a leader in renewable energies in Canada.
The Central Bank of Libya reunites its two branches to restore stability in a country marked by division. This reconciliation is a significant turning point, seeking to unify the sovereign institution to better manage oil resources and revitalize monetary policy.
The Central Bank of Libya reunites its two branches to restore stability in a country marked by division. This reconciliation is a significant turning point, seeking to unify the sovereign institution to better manage oil resources and revitalize monetary policy.
Early demand and limited supply have boosted carbon prices in China, while uncertainties over future policies add a touch of volatility.
Early demand and limited supply have boosted carbon prices in China, while uncertainties over future policies add a touch of volatility.
India sets an emission limit for green hydrogen, paving the way for cleaner, more sustainable production. This decision marks an important step in the country's energy transition to green hydrogen.
India sets an emission limit for green hydrogen, paving the way for cleaner, more sustainable production. This decision marks an important step in the country's energy transition to green hydrogen.
Chinese solar panel manufacturers are seeking to evade US tariffs by carrying out final assembly in other Asian countries. A Commerce Department investigation reveals these circumvention practices and highlights efforts to maintain the integrity of trade rules.
Chinese solar panel manufacturers are seeking to evade US tariffs by carrying out final assembly in other Asian countries. A Commerce Department investigation reveals these circumvention practices and highlights efforts to maintain the integrity of trade rules.
In the first quarter of 2023, greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU) totaled 941 million mtCO2e, down almost 3% on the same period last year, according to Eurostat. This decrease coincides with a 1.2% increase in EU GDP over the same period, as reported by the bloc's statistical agency.
In the first quarter of 2023, greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU) totaled 941 million mtCO2e, down almost 3% on the same period last year, according to Eurostat. This decrease coincides with a 1.2% increase in EU GDP over the same period, as reported by the bloc's statistical agency.
The Libyan government's official response to allegations of the sale of the port of al-Khoms. The Government of National Unity denies having granted any rights to the port or authorized any military use. Spokesman Mohamed Hamuda denied the rumors. Residents' protests accuse the government of wanting to cede part of the port to Turkey for military purposes.
The Libyan government's official response to allegations of the sale of the port of al-Khoms. The Government of National Unity denies having granted any rights to the port or authorized any military use. Spokesman Mohamed Hamuda denied the rumors. Residents' protests accuse the government of wanting to cede part of the port to Turkey for military purposes.
The European Commission has approved Guarantees of Origin (GOs) as the main method for certifying renewable energy consumption, in line with the EU taxonomy. This measure requires companies to report on 'contractual agreements' related to energy consumption, under the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
The European Commission has approved Guarantees of Origin (GOs) as the main method for certifying renewable energy consumption, in line with the EU taxonomy. This measure requires companies to report on 'contractual agreements' related to energy consumption, under the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
The world's largest sovereign wealth fund, Norway's, posted an exceptional first-half return of 10%, with growth of 1,501 billion kroner (131 billion euros) boosted by the stock markets. The fund's value reached an impressive 15,299 billion crowns (1,332 billion euros) at the end of June.
The world's largest sovereign wealth fund, Norway's, posted an exceptional first-half return of 10%, with growth of 1,501 billion kroner (131 billion euros) boosted by the stock markets. The fund's value reached an impressive 15,299 billion crowns (1,332 billion euros) at the end of June.

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