Energy Diplomacy

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Nagorno-Karabakh is once again in the grip of war. This disputed region is the scene of violent clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Nagorno-Karabakh is once again in the grip of war. This disputed region is the scene of violent clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
EITI, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, was created 17 years ago to promote transparency in this sector, which is vulnerable to corruption. Although praised for its efforts, the real effectiveness of EITI remains a matter of debate. It aspires to become a global standard, with 55 member countries and extensive financial oversight.
EITI, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, was created 17 years ago to promote transparency in this sector, which is vulnerable to corruption. Although praised for its efforts, the real effectiveness of EITI remains a matter of debate. It aspires to become a global standard, with 55 member countries and extensive financial oversight.

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