Coto Muiño is a new onshore wind farm project located in Spain developed by the company Greenalia.
A project in the northwest of Spain
Coto Muiño is a new wind farm in the public information phase. The facility will have an installed capacity of 19.2MW. In addition, the park will require an investment of €16 million.
The Coto Muiño wind farm will have 4 wind turbines. The site is located in the municipality of Zas, near A Coruña. In addition, the wind turbines will have a hub height of 127.5 meters and a rotor height of 145 meters.
This project will prevent the emission of 27,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The annual production of clean energy of Coto Muiño will amount to 73,626 MWh. The development of the park is carried out in areas with a high wind resource, with a minimum impact on the environment.
Respect for the environmental impact
Indeed, a particular attention is paid to the respect and protection of the natural environment. The Coto Muiño project takes into consideration the avifauna. Greenalia ensures that its wind project does not harm the existing landscape and cultural heritage.
The Coto Muiño project is located outside of protected areas, natural reserves or monuments, and biosphere reserves. Thus, the impact on the landscape will be negligible according to the company. The low density of the machines and the screening effect of the vegetation make it perfectly compatible with the surrounding landscape.
The site is also not in an area of high bird density and is not on migratory routes. In addition, the area can easily be revegetated once the work is completed. In addition, an archaeological control will be put in place.