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Author: Julie Buys


The Largest Dams in the United States in 2024

The largest dams in the United States are notable not only for their dizzying dimensions, but also and above all for their extraordinary power. The installed capacity of hydroelectric power plants in the United States reached 102,753 MW at the end of 2019, representing 273.7 TWh and 6.6% of the country’s total electricity production.

plus grands barrages

France’s Greatest Dams in 2024

France’s largest dams supply over 15% of the country’s electricity, making France the world’s 10th largest hydroelectric power. Among the largest dams is the Barrage de Grand’Maison, the most powerful, with 1820 MW of installed capacity.

barrage europe

Europe’s Largest Dams in 2024

Europe’s biggest dams aren’t always the most powerful, but for some, their size or length rivals the world’s biggest dams.|Europe’s biggest dams aren’t always the most powerful, but for some, their size or length rivals the world’s biggest dams.

barrage africain

Dams in Africa: the largest projects

Hydroelectric projects in Africa are multiplying, exploiting the continent’s wealth of water resources. Find out more about our biggest current projects.

barrage mondial

The World’s Largest Dams in 2024

The most powerful infrastructures ever built in the history of mankind. Whether embankment, arch or gravity, hydroelectric dams are the world’s largest sources of renewable energy.

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