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Author: Eva Barré

gaz mer du nord

North Sea gas exploration: Oil companies pull out

Some major oil companies, such as JX Nippon, are withdrawing from North Sea exploration on a massive scale. Some major oil companies, such as JX Nippon, are withdrawing from North Sea exploration on a massive scale.

SkySpecs acquires Fincovi and Vertikal AI

SkySpecs acquires Fincovi and Vertikal AI to develop cutting-edge technologies for the wind energy sector and industry. In particular, this involves robotization, automation and the use of new technologies for wind farm assets.

The Arctic: A New Energy and Commercial Eldorado

The Arctic is attracting interest for its hydrocarbon and renewable resources, but costly exploitation and environmental concerns pose challenges. Polar routes offer faster commercial alternatives.

Erdogan wants to start the Istanbul Canal in Summer 2021

Erdogan calls for tenders for the Istanbul Canal, a $9.2 billion project designed to relieve congestion in the Bosphorus Strait and strengthen Turkey’s position in world trade, despite criticism of its high cost and environmental impact.

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