Apsiis presents its strategy for positioning itself in the nuclear market: it will involve the manufacture of small modular reactors.
To this end, it has the support of local authorities.
Apsiis focuses on small nuclear reactors
The Apsiis association states that its strategy for the nuclear power market is based on small modular reactors (SMRs).
These reactors can serve as the basis for building nuclear power plants that are smaller than today’s power plants.
To bolster local employment, Philippe Petitcolin, co-founder of the association, points out that “SMR plants, [devaient] be marketed and designed in Belfort”.
The association
The association was founded by General Electric trade unionists threatened by job cuts.
It seeks to develop activities to maintain the skills threatened by these cuts.
Preserving local jobs and expertise
Marie-Guite Dufay, President of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, shares the association’s concern for the preservation of skills:
“The Region’s support is in response to the gradual withdrawal of the General Electric group from the Nord Franche-Comté region. This aid will make it possible to support new economic activities in order to preserve jobs and, above all, integrate skills”, she declared.
For this project, the association has received a number of financial contributions from local authorities.
The Burgundy-Franche-Comté region voted 100,000 euros in subsidies in exchange for an equivalent promise of private investment.
The Communauté d’agglomération du Grand Belfort (Greater Belfort urban community) has granted the association a subsidy of 32,000 euros.