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Total and CNOOC, in collaboration with local authorities, launch the construction of a $3.5 billion pipeline linking Uganda to Tanzania. This ambitious project aims to bring the Albertine Rift's oil reserves to international markets, marking a major step towards exploiting the region's rich deposits.
Total and CNOOC, in collaboration with local authorities, launch the construction of a $3.5 billion pipeline linking Uganda to Tanzania. This ambitious project aims to bring the Albertine Rift's oil reserves to international markets, marking a major step towards exploiting the region's rich deposits.
Oil, the world's major source of energy, generates geopolitical tensions. Venezuela has the largest reserves, followed by Saudi Arabia, but renewable energies are threatening this dominance. Middle Eastern countries play a key role in this industry.
Oil, the world's major source of energy, generates geopolitical tensions. Venezuela has the largest reserves, followed by Saudi Arabia, but renewable energies are threatening this dominance. Middle Eastern countries play a key role in this industry.

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