Greater Gabbard wind farm celebrates its 10th anniversary. Operational since September 2012, it is located 20km off the Suffolk coast in eastern England.
Greater Gabbard Wind Farm
It is the result of a joint venture between the German company RWE Renewables and the Scottish company SSE Renawables. This 504 MW park, composed of 140 turbines, has produced more than 17,487 GWh during its 10 years of operation. In addition, this energy supplied 400,000 British homes each year.
Thus, its existence has allowed and will continue to allow a significant reduction in British carbon dioxide emissions.
Glynn Fereday, Director of Operations for Greater Gabbard, states:
“The wind farm was a pioneering project for the UK offshore wind industry and for many years the 140-turbine site was the largest wind farm under development in the world.”
Towards an extension of the park?
Faced with a severe energy and economic crisis, the United Kingdom needs more than ever to develop its clean energy. Thus, the Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm will experience a new phase after its 10 years of existence.
In fact, the success of the park encourages such an expansion. The project is known as North Falls Offshore Wind Farm.
In addition, a lease agreement for up to 504 MW has already been reached by the two companies managing the plant. Greater Gabbard should therefore see its production double in the next few years.