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Author: Agence France-Presse (AFP)

Veolia Extends Social Protection to All Its Employees

Veolia launches a global social protection program for its 213,000 employees, regardless of their position or the country in which they work. This initiative, initiated by General Manager Estelle Brachlianoff, aims to ensure social equity within the company, putting the well-being of employees ahead of considerations of attractiveness.

ligne haute tension allemagne

Germany: start-up of key North-South high-voltage line project

Germany has begun construction of the SuedLink, an essential power link between the country’s wind-powered north and its industrial south. Although the project is behind schedule, it is expected to be operational by 2028, thereby strengthening the security of electricity supply in Bavaria and Baden-WĂĽrttemberg.

Vishki Boika: Ukrainian takeover of the Oil & Gas Platform Complex

Ukraine has announced that it has regained control of the Vichki BoĂŻka oil and gas platform in the Black Sea, previously controlled by Russia since 2015, following a successful military operation. There were clashes with a Russian fighter jet, and Ukrainian forces acquired strategic equipment in the victory.

G20 Ă©nergies renouvelables

Goal: Triple renewable energies in just a few years

The G20 calls for a tripling of renewable energies by 2030 to combat climate change. Although vital, this challenge implies significant progress in overcoming financial and logistical obstacles. Here’s how it works.

Australian LNG strike: gas rises and oil slips

Strikes at Australian LNG facilities are pushing up natural gas prices in Europe, while oil prices remain high despite recent profit-taking, due to the extension of production restrictions by Saudi Arabia and Russia. Concerns about demand persist, not least because of the weakness of the Chinese economy.

nucléaire français

France: Nuclear output up +7.9%.

The 7.9% increase in EDF’s nuclear output in 2023 is of great importance after the corrosion crisis of 2022. This improvement is crucial to meeting growing energy demand in France, strengthening EDF’s position as a key supplier of nuclear energy in Europe, and optimizing existing infrastructures for the future.

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