International Edition

Author: Thomas Varailhon De La Filolie

Fossil fuels saved by thermal storage?

Siemens Gamesa has created ETES, an electrothermal storage system that stores 130 MWh for one week in volcanic rock. It could revitalize coal-fired power plants into sustainable energy storage facilities.

A Sodium-ion battery developed by Malta Inc.

Malta Inc. is developing an innovative sodium-ion battery, backed by celebrity investors such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, that stores energy using heat for extended periods, offering a potential affordable solution for long-term energy storage, essential for the transition to renewable energies.

Form Energy: energy storage backed by Bill Gates

Form Energy, funded by Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures, has developed a sulfur-based long-term energy storage technology offering 150 hours of storage, revolutionizing current systems and paving the way for a 100% renewable grid.

Cryogenic Battery Thrills Energy Sector

Highview Power is developing CRYOBattery technology, a 50 MW cryogenic battery that can store energy for more than eight hours. Sumitomo Heavy Industries has invested $46 million to support this project in the context of the transition to renewable energies.

Zinc8 battery: the alternative to lithium-ion

Zinc batteries are now rechargeable on a large scale thanks to Zinc8 Energy Solutions’ technology, offering an affordable and efficient energy storage solution for utilities with a reaction between zinc and oxygen.

blockchai energy

Would Blockchain Solve Global Warming?

Blockchain could be the key to effective tracking of carbon emissions throughout the supply chain. This solution could prove useful in a context of global warming. Energy systems are currently aiming for decarbonization. Promoting transparency will be key to ensuring

Oxec II: The hydroelectric dam that is revitalizing Guatemala

The Oxec II hydroelectric dam in Guatemala provides 56 MW of hydropower, contributing to the country’s national renewable energy targets. The project was successfully completed using innovative design approaches, paving the way for other hydroelectric developments in the region.